Knitting 101: How to weave in yarn ends|Pattern Duchess


Step 1:

Untwist the yarn tail…

How to hide yarn ends tutorial

Step 2:

…and split the yarn end into two thinner strands.

How to wave in yarn ends

Step 3:

Thread one strand on a small sharp needle and weave it in one direction following the stitch path of the pattern (for an inch or two). Make sure to take the needle through the middle of the last knitted stitch before you stop weaving – this splits the yarn and locks it in place.

How to wave in yarn ends  How to wave in yarn ends

Step 4:

Before you trim off the excess, stretch your fabric a bit. Then cut off the tail.

Step 5:

Do the same with the other yarn tail, except go in the opposite direction.


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This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Marny CA

    Waving = Weaving

    Just for clarity for myself.

    Thank you for all you share.

    1. PatternDuchess

      Marny, thank you! I must have been tired…

  2. pat

    The correct spelling is “weave” and “weaving”!!

    1. PatternDuchess

      Oh gosh, thank you, Pat.

  3. Melanie Church

    Can you do this technique with very slippery yarn like a superwash merino

    1. PatternDuchess

      Yes, I think so. Because that yellow yarn was slippery too – silk blend with merino I think.

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