Have you heard about the knitting technique called two gathered stitches? Or maybe you’ve read instructions stating you need to knit 2 stitches from 2? That’s what I’ll show you today.
Abbreviations I’ve seen for this tech are 2F2 or 2StF2. I’m sure there are many other abridgments, but that’s not the point. Point is, it’s a very easy AND fancy knitting technique you’d be proud to show off.
You will be working only on RS row (unless pattern states otherwise), and WS rows are purl rows.
So, here’s the tutorial for two gathered stitches:
Knit two together…

…leave original stitches on the left-hand needle…

…knit onto back loops of these two stitches again…

…and you’re done!

If you are more interested in watching the video tutorial there here’s one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jz8wQ3QPDuE
Now, how on earth should you use this stitch?
I’ll show you.

The stitch pattern on the right will show you how the pattern looks when you only use this technique and nothing more. You can see something like this:
Cast on 10 stitches.
- Row 1: *2F2* 5 times;
- Row 2: purl;
Repeat rows 1 and 2 until the desired length.
Let’s switch things up a bit. Try this pattern:

Cast on 10 stitches.
- Row 1: *2F2* 5 times;
- Row 2: purl;
- Row 3: k1, 2F2 4 times, k1;
- Row 4: purl;
Repeat rows 1 to 4 until desired length.
If that was interesting then you also might like the cobweb stitch or in other words “working 3 from 3”. Check it out here: https://pattern-duchess.com/how-to-knit-cobweb-stitch/