Diagonal ribbing knitting stitch pattern

“Pattern from history” posts were born when my lovely grandmother gave me all (well, almost all) of her old pattern sheets with old knitting patterns. And it was many. She collected those years and years and I think it’s a fantastic reflection of knitting history of our little country.

These patterns are charted, without pictures and full of mistakes, so I took my mission to knit all of them through, make a written instructions and take a proper picture.

I hope you’ll enjoy them 🙂

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Knitting diagonal ribbing in rounds

This pattern was quite a challenge. You’d think that there are only three different stitches so it’s a piece of chocolate cake. Well, think again.

Those three stitches are the curse in disguise. They get mixed up you see. You’ll work your round and start with the second round, but you have the knitting rhythm of first round still in you….and south it goes.

Again, and again, and again… I actually knitted out loud to finish this swatch… Kids got the “DO NOT DISTURB, OR I WILL ATTACK” look twice…

And it was a small swatch…

Excited to start yet? I thought so 😀 Go ahead:

Pattern is for knitting in rounds, and pattern repeat is 3 stitches.

Suggestion: if you use this stitch pattern in your project somewhere (for edging), then make sure you’ll use little more stitches, then rest of your work uses. It won’t stretch much.

Round 1: (YO, sl st pw, k2tog) rep to end;
Round 2: (YO, k2tog, sl st pw) rep to end;

diagonal ribbing knitting chart

That’s it. Seems easy enough, but don’t do this while watching TV. This stitch pattern is going to be a hat one day (and I’m sharing the pattern with you when i’m there)…

Knitting pattern for diagonal ribbing
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This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Vicki

    I just discovered your site – what a fabulous thing you’ve done here by recreating all these stitches! I’m so impressed! (And I just subscribed!)

    1. PatternDuchess

      Thank you, Vicki 🙂

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